Academic Teaching Clinic

Maskwa Medical Center’s Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Family Medicine will train more family physicians for rural Albertans in NW Alberta

Increasing Family Physicians in NW Alberta.

Maskwa Medical Center’s Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Family Medicine will train more family physicians for rural Albertans in NW Alberta, thus improving access to family physicians.

This 22,000 square foot teaching space within the Maskwa Medical Center will train 20 resident physicians onsite, graduating 10 per year. Training more physicians in the region will help to attract and retain Doctors in Northwestern Alberta.

What It’s All About

The Academic Training Clinic will be a leading medical clinic in Alberta.

The Maskwa Medical Center and the University of Alberta are collaboratively shaping the vision of an Academic Training Clinic designed to engage and instruct professionals across the entire spectrum of medical care. This comprehensive facility will encompass clinic receptionists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians.

The objective is to elevate educational prospects in Northern Alberta significantly by fostering an environment where medical professionals can learn, practice, and immerse themselves in the community.

The Academic Training Clinic’s impact is anticipated to extend beyond education.

Access to this clinic will reduce Hospital and Emergency Room visits by 50%. This reduction will, in turn, afford Emergency Departments and their staff the valuable time to allocate medical services efficiently and promptly to patients with immediate needs.

The overarching goal is to create a sustainable and resilient healthcare system that not only serves the community’s immediate healthcare requirements but also contributes to the long-term retention of skilled medical professionals in the region.

Northern Alberta Medical Program students set to benefit significantly

from expanded training and employment opportunities facilitated by their connection with globally recognized medical professionals. This enhanced engagement will encompass insightful presentations and lectures, providing students with invaluable insights and knowledge from experts in the medical field.

The partnership’s objective is not only to enhance the academic journey but also to unlock promising career avenues for the students, fostering a vibrant and enriching atmosphere that aligns with global standards in the medical industry.


Maskwa Medical Center is proud to work in partnership to better support integration across the continuum of patient care and support patients along their respective health pathways.

Partner in Education, Diagnostic & Treatment Plan Development
Graduating Family Physicians for Northwestern Alberta.

Education Partner
Expanding medical education in Northern Alberta.